Wednesday, March 14, 2007

dude, wtf?

Ok, I am soooo not diggin' this whole getting up before the sun does business. Not diggin' it at all. When my alarm went off this morning, I knew it had to be a mistake. But it wasn't.

So, I'm back at work-yippee! The person who covered my cases while I was gone was like "I am so glad you're back, your facilities suck". Apparently, while mommy (me) was away, the kids (my hospitals) got a little unruly. Well, news for them-I'm back to whip them back into shape. Poor bastards.

I'm back to my morning concoction of Slim-Fast and Diet Coke. Pre-vacation it seemed to be working for me. I was sooooo lazy yesterday. Sure, I did some grocery shopping (and bought myself a great new pair of shoes....), but overall, I didn't do much. I really should have cleaned my apartment given I am hosting book club tomorrow night and will not be home tonight since I will be working at the crisis line until 10.

I soooooo missed my Mikey while I was gone! And my Amy Henson. So glad to be back with my peeps! I mean, who else is gonna talk American Idol smack with me? Luv you guys!


Broker said...

I'm watching American Idol right now and it completely blows. Sanjaya is just terrible. We'll see what happens tonight . . . this may be the worst American Idol year ever.

KD said...

I think it may be the worst year too. Overall, they just aren't as good as past people on the show!

Anonymous said...

You are overlooking the beauty of daylight savings. Sure you might have to get up before the sun does, but when you get home from work (provided you are not a psycho working two jobs) you still have daylight left.

P.S. : Yeah I have to agree the quality of American Idol is just not up to where it should be (You can't see it right now, but I am rolling my eyes).

KD said...

RP being sarcastic? No freakin' way!!!! Dude-are you calling me a psycho b/c I work two jobs???? Uh yea....guilty as charged.

I suppose Canadian Idol has superb talent????

Anonymous said...

You know what they say

"If the straight jacket fits . . ."

I have never watched Canadian Idol, but I was just meaning expecting quality from American Idol seems like expecting quality acting from the Governator or Sly Stallone.

KD said...

That hurts Canada. That really hurts. I had a tear. Not to defend American Idol, but have you heard Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood? Those girls kick ASS! :)

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better I love most of Arnie's and Sly's movies anyways.

KD said...

yes, they ARE quality actors.......