Sunday, March 25, 2007

Erin, you're gonna have to park the car

Ok, this stiff neck thing is getting ridiculous. I was feeling a bit better today, it seems to get worse as the day goes on. Tonight, as we were parking to go to Venice Cafe, I had to have Erin parallel park the car because I couldn't turn my head to do it! It was so sad. And pretty pathetic.

So, we didn't do so hot at trivia night tonight (and we were even sober!). We got 70 out of 100 questions right-it's a C (I'd have taken it in high school!). The questions were freakin' hard man! And can I tell you about the geriatric crowd? I swear our table was the only table under like 60 there. I mean, who else would know the answer to a question about Red Buttons? There were the cutest puppies and kitties there (it was, after all, the Humane Society). There were brother and sister puppies that were German Shepherd and Husky mix named Sadie and Stewie, they were SO CUTE. I wanted to take them both home. Erin and Carrie fell in love with an orange kitty-it was really cute but the cats were making me sneeze. No kind of fun.

After trivia night, we attempted to go out. My neck was really starting to hurt though, so I wasn't sure how long I was gonna last. I contemplated going to Gitto's because Text Boy called me today. Yes, I said called instead of texted. He said he'd be at Gitto's tonight for some karaoke. My peeps and I decided against Gitto's (nothing against him, but really, I was all sneezy and my neck hurt, I wasn't so much feeling cute. What if he didn't dig me anymore after seeing me? I don't dig rejection....). We went to Venice Cafe, which is usually really cool, but their outdoor patio was closed off (we wanted to sit outside-hello, it was nearly 80 degrees in the STL today!). Venice is an f'ed up place. Example-the womens bathroom has nothing but babydoll heads on the walls and the toilet is up on a pedestal. I rest my case.

Well, I think the muscle relaxer and Advil PM is about to kick in, so it's nighty night for me. Later peeps.

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