Saturday, March 24, 2007

"I don't think this muscle relaxer is doing anything"

That is what I said to my sister on the phone last night. Her response? "I don't know, you sound kinda loopy to me". Was I? Yea, maybe I was. If only you could have seen me, it was quite a sight. There I am, laying on the couch in my jammies, hair piled up on top of my head, with a heating pad and a blanket wrapped around my head. It was very sexy, I tell ya! Text Boy even texted me last night (go figure!) and asked what I was doing. Gee, how do you respond with the above? Here's the good news. I finally got some sleep last night (I threw in an Advil PM for good measure) for the first time in nearly a week. Voila! I'm up at 9am on a Saturday and I feel almost human again. My neck is still sore but I can move my head a bit more today. I'd like to thank my friend Rob who said it's all because I'm over 30 now. He will pay for that comment, mark my words!!!

So, big exciting weekend plans? I'm not doing a ton due to my newfound limited mobility. I am attending another trivia night tonight MINUS the huge drinking binge from last Saturday. Ugh, I'm just plain too old! I need to do all the fun errand stuff today, grocery shopping and stuff. Other than that, I'm just chillin'. And taking muscle relaxers, apparently.....

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