Friday, March 23, 2007

acute torticollis

That is my official diagnosis. Literally translated, I believe it means "pain in the neck". But we already knew that, right? So, that is what my doctor tells me is wrong with me. What is is exactly? Well according to, it is "Torticollis, sometimes called wry neck is not a virus at all. Torticollis is a muscle spasm in the neck, similar to having a charlie horse in your leg". Yep, sounds about right. I got a script for a muscle relaxer, Skelaxin, so I'm ready to roll. My doctor offered me some Vicodin, but I politely declined. I was told by co-workers that I was an idiot for doing so since you should "never turn down pain meds". Spoken by true mental health professionals, huh? I had a low grade fever too, but my doctor didn't seem too overly concerned about it. So, guess I will only temporarily be paralyzed from the neck up. It's been 5 days-it could take up to two weeks to start feeling better, so good thing I went to the doctor and gome some muscle relaxers. I look forward to an evening of reading magazines, sitting with the heating pad and drooling on myself as the muscle relaxers take effect......

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