Friday, March 16, 2007

Don't jump

I'm sorry to be so crude, but I have become totally disillusioned. Did y'all hear about the person that jumped off the JB bridge this morning? I mean, is everyone in the world depressed, suicidal and homicidal? Maybe it's because I work with the mentally ill and that is all I see, but I swear. Were people this bad off even 10 years ago? I just don't understand the state of the world anymore. Sorry for the public service announcement, but it had to be said. In the future, any time I feel down in the dumps (which is really rare nowadays, thank you very much), I will remind myself that I ain't got it so bad. Life is too short to be depressed!!!!!!!!

So, at least it's Friday. Work is slammed because we have a lot of people out, but that's ok, I like to be busy. Oh yea, so, I might be going out with a cute boy tonight. STOP THE PRESSES! Say it ain't so!!!! So, it's the boy that I mentioned previously, the one I wasn't sure about because he prefers to text message rather than talk. Well, he wanted to go out last night, but I was like "uh, I have to get up at 6am, how bout Friday". He is supposed to call me after work tonight. We'll see if that actually happens. I'm disillusioned, remember? I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. You can't be in a relationship unless you put yourself out there-so, I'm gonna be out there. Book Club decided last night that this is the Year of the Commitment. Either commit to a relationship or be committed. Considering I am aware of the mental health services available in this area, I really do not want to be committed, so.....guess I have to freakin' go out with cute boys. Man, life sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, i thought we were going out tonight. i guess we'll have to go out next fri.