Tuesday, March 13, 2007

KD's running commentary on American Idol

Ok, Melinda is awesome! I like that she is so down to earth and has no idea how good she is. Brandon is gonna end up singing on a cruise ship. Mark my words. I don't care what the judges say, I think Chris S. is good, even if his version of "Endless Love" was a little weird. Gina did ok-she can sing way better than she did tonight. Why is that Sanjaya, Shay Shay, whatever-his-name-is still on the show? I mean seriously??? I want to know.....I haven't been a big Haley fan, but she did pretty good tonight. She's still probably gonna end up singing on a cruise ship with Brandon though. I love Phil! Yes, he's kinda a tool, but he can sing. LaKisha is MY GIRL! Love her! Blake is adorable with a capital "A". It wasn't his best performance tonight, however. Stephanie was ok, nothing to write home about. I don't get the deal with Chris R. I just don't think he's that good or that cute. Just my opinion. Jordin is great-she is so cute and you totally forget that she is only 17. She did awesome tonight. Who should go home? Sanjaya (like three weeks ago) and Brandon. They were the worst. What does everyone else think?


Broker said...

Phil Stacey totally sang his little butt off.

Broker said...
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KD said...

Yes he did! Love myself some Phil! Mike is still obsessed w/Blake. Blake is cute but is gonna have to step it up a notch!