Tuesday, March 20, 2007

my mom is so funny

My mother just admitted that the only reason she watched "Dancing With The Stars" last night was to see if Heather Mills-McCartney's prosthetic leg would fall off while she was dancing. I swear, this is the funniest thing I have ever heard. She said, and I quote, "Old Heather kept the leg on during the fox trot. But I’m betting when they do the salsa or tango someone is going to get a leg upside the head".

Now y'all know why I am the way I am.....


Anonymous said...

Kerri Michele Davidson! I cannot believe you would share the wild rantings of an old woman with your world-wide readers. But you have to admit a leg incident would make for good reality TV. That's all I'm saying.


KD said...

uh oh, mom just called me out with the middle name, y'all! i'm in trouble!!!! mother you are so freakin' funny-i'm gonna have to recommend you lay off the pain meds though.....seriously.....

Broker said...

I heard on Z107.7 that there is a website where you can place bets on stuff that happens on reality shows. They had a bet last week that Heather's leg would not just fall off, but actually FLY off during her performance. How hilarious (but sad and shameless) is that!!?*!#!!

KD said...

I LOVE IT!!! Mom-you hear that?

Anonymous said...

So apparently I'm not the only cheap thrill seeker out there. I'm feeling much better about myself now.


KD said...

i love you mommy!