Thursday, December 21, 2006

Who wants some mono?

Ok, I don't know for sure if I have mono, but my doctor wants to rule it out. All my symptoms match. I don't have strep throat-guess that's good news. I don't know how in the hell I could have caught "The Kissing Disease", since my lame ass hasn't kissed anyone in quite some time (it's sad but true, I may as well get some cats now, because I am gonna be the lonely old maid who only has her cats for companionship). My doctor made me eat while I was in his office. Has this ever happened to anyone else? He was like "your color doesn't look too good". Well, I was too tired to make a joke about my pasty white girl next thing I know a nurse is coming in with cookies and pretzels and stands there and watches me to make sure I eat them (I suddenly felt like perhaps I was in the middle of some interview for an eating disorder screening or something). I assured the doctor that I had eaten today, not a lot, and I really haven't eaten much in the last week or so (I'm too tired to even walk to the kitchen). So, in order to draw my blood, the nurse made me lay down and she kept me talking so I wouldn't faint (I got to hear all about her drug addict daughter and how she is raising her own grandchildren...). The good news is, I didn't faint, but my doctor still made me lay there for like 10 minutes and made the nurse follow me to my car. Geez people! I was getting a little anxious seeing my doctor so concerned about me, and the nurse even said "he doesn't do that for just anybody"-meaning having her walk me to my car. He doesn't want me going to work tomorrow, I'm still on the fence. I feel like I can get through one more day of work because I then have the next four days off. Of course, if I have mono, I could feel like crap for weeks. And there is no medicine for it. All I can do is take Tylenol for my fever and get lots of sleep. Sure, between my two jobs and the holidays coming up, I'm sure I'll get right on that.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerr, please take care of yourself and follow doctor's orders. If you don't, then you'll probably get even sicker. I'm sure your family and friends would agree with me as well as your boss.