Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Boxing Day, Canada!

I don't know what in the hell Boxing Day is since I'm a yankee and all, but they celebrate it in Canada, so to my dear friend Canada (some may know him as "RP"), hope you had a great Boxing Day! Hope you had a great Christmas too. Your card is in the mail, I swear! Miss you! Joyeux Noel mon ami! (did I spell that right? My French is a little rusty....)


Anonymous said...

Although I am sure there is a significance to Boxing Day that I am not aware of, to me it is a stat holiday (the day after Christmas) on which you go over to other peoples' houses and continue the non stop eating that started on Christmas Eve. A thoroughly enjoyable holiday!!!

KD said...

Ugh, I am so over the holiday eating! You know, I lost weight when I was sick, I do not want to gain it back by eating m&m's all day (like I did today, for example).....