Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong, that every time I watch The Biggest Loser I want to eat? What is that saying about me? Do I need to go on the show? (I'm seriously doubting so, I have yet to go over my magic "never again" weight, so I think I'm ok-FOR NOW). Maybe it's watching them all work so hard and stuff-makes me hungry, I don't know. Anyway, I LOVE that show. Of course, again tonight, I cried. I don't think a week has gone by that I haven't cried during that show. I'm a sap, what can I say (that, and, unfortunately for me and the rest of the world-PMS has reared her ugly head once again-bitch). The season finale is next week and I am PISSED because I have to work at the crisis line. And no, I am not cool enough to have Tivo, or DVR or even know how to use my VCR to record it, so I'm gonna have to get creative. Anyone have any suggestions (besides telling me to join the 21st century)?

Kerri's Rant and Rave of the day: Has this ever happened to you? You've decided a nice way to end your long, stressful day would be to relax in a nice, hot bath. Doesn't that sound nice? You run the water, maybe put some bubbles in, grab a good book (because, you're relaxing-you're gonna be in there awhile, ok?). You get ready to get in the tub, eager with anticipation, only to discover-THE F***ING WATER IS COLD.

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