Friday, December 22, 2006

Leaving early

OMG, I forgot to tell you the best part about being sick. Since I last saw my doctor about 5-6 weeks ago, I have lost SIX pounds! Isn't that exciting? I think it is......Anyway, everyone is crazed with the holiday spirit at work today. Mike is singing "Oh Tannenbaum" as we speak....I really am not feeling the holiday spirit, maybe because I haven't been feeling well. I just want it over with already (the holidays and my sickness. I realize the whole "sick in the head" part won't go away any time soon). Our director is letting us leave as soon as our cases are done today, which is way cool. I still have 5 of 12 left to do. Not too bad considering it's only 11:30am. I plan on doing a whole lotta nothing tonight and Saturday. Hopefully just rest and be feeling better for Christmas Eve.

I hope everyone has a great holiday. Be watching for Kerri's Annual Sappy End of the Year Message, coming soon to a blog near you.......


Anonymous said...

Good for you Kerri. Most people hear about Mono and focus on the whole lack of energy aspect and labelling it as a sickness. Way to look past all that and see it for the weight loss program that it really is!!!

KD said...

I knew you'd see it my way RP! Ha! Seriously, I've heard of people losing like 20 pounds when they have mono. Now, I do not need to lose 20 pounds (I'd probably look like Nicole Ritchie if I did), but another 5 or 6 couldn't hurt.....

Anonymous said...

After you're done with mono, maybe you can luck out and get measles or the mumps.

KD said...

nah, nothing that involves itching for me!

Anonymous said...

Nobody said weight loss was easy

KD said...

do u lose weight when u have the measles or the mumps? Hmmmm...must look into this further. Unfortunately for me, my appetite is back was a fun ride while it lasted!