Friday, December 22, 2006

no mono y mono

Well, I don't have mono. Guess I just have Feel Like Crap NOS (for those that don't know, NOS stands for Not Otherwise Specified-we use it in the psych world a lot). So, I have gone to my doctor for eight years now. Never once has he, himself, called me at home. Well, he did today. Now either he gave all the nurses and secretaries the day off, or he was really concerned about me. He called to let me know my blood test came back normal and that he wanted to see how I was doing because I didn't look like I was doing too well yesterday (I guess I really looked like hell-why didn't anyone tell me???). He encouraged me to call his exchange if I felt any worse. Well, today, I did go to work and I am feeling somewhat better. My personal theory is that it was a combo of not enough sleep, working two jobs and not eating very much. Lesson learned-you can only push yourself so far until you crash. Consider me crashed. I am still way tired and have this really annoying scratchy throat which makes me cough every 30 seconds, but other than that, I think I'll live. I can tell I'm still way weak though as I tried to take out the trash today. Now, I know I am not a very strong girl, in fact, I'm pretty much a wuss (although I do like to kick!), but normally I can manage to carry out the trash. Well, today it felt like it weighed 700 pounds. I was out of breath by the time I got to the trash cans outside. Uh....yea. We got to leave work early today (LOVE managed care!), so I am home now. I plan to just rest tonight and tomorrow, although my apartment really needs to be cleaned, so if I can work up the energy, I'm gonna do that tomorrow. FYI y'all, I am so smart I got the Final Jeopardy question right today. The answer was Rosa Parks-why the hell I knew the answer I don't know, and I don't remember the question, but just let it be known that I ROCK! Well, it's almost 4:00, think I'll go and see if Oprah is any good today. Later peeps.

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