Monday, December 04, 2006

What is a girl to do?

Well, I'm off work today and tomorrow and I'm already bored. Not stir crazy-gotta get out of the house-bored, but "gee, I really don't have anything to do" bored. Not that I'm complaining. I mean sure, there are about 8 loads of laundry to do, the trash needs to be taken out, the apartment overall needs a good cleaning, but none of that is fun. I will finish reading my People magazine (because I care whether or not Prince William is going to marry his girlfriend, ok????). I have a couple books I could read. I'm looking forward to watching the American Music Awards tonight-Rascal Flatts is nominated for all kinds of stuff-I'd like to see them win because they rock. Reading back over this, I realize just how sad and pathetic I I guess Canada was right-I really am a Grandma (thanks for that one, Mr. Tessier! Just because I requested no phone calls after 10pm-on a school night!).

Someone come over and make me do my laundry. Please? I can't go in that creepy basement alone. Jo Jo The Clown might get me.......


Heidi said...

don't you forget girl to hang up that wreath! I'd like a picture of it as well! :)

KD said...

Oh, it's up! I am an animal w/the hot glue gun! :)