Tuesday, December 05, 2006

they said it couldn't be done....

After nearly four days at home, I finally did it. Yes, folks, I went into the kitchen. And cooked. I know it's a rare phenonmenon (especially nowadays. I always cooked for J-but now that it's just me-I really don't give a crap), but, I was able to do it. It may not happen again for another couple of months, but that's ok (I think it's really because 1. I hate doing dishes and 2. I'm really, really lazy. Cereal is much easier).

The apartment is fairly clean. The trash still needs to be taken out (told you I was lazy). I've read all my magazines, I have one book left I can read. Yep-I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow. Is that sad? Probably.


Anonymous said...

I seem to recall you cooking the occassional Smack Ramen back in the Central days


KD said...

yes, I can cook the hell out of some ramen noodles....it's all in the stirring.....