Thursday, December 07, 2006


That 22 year old guy from Saturday night called me again today. I mean, I know I'm irresistable and all (stop laughing!) but geez! I thought after I didn't call him back on Sunday he would figure it out. Everyone says I should call him back, but here's my theory. I am too damn old to date just for the sake of dating. Not like I want to get married tomorrow, but I am not gonna waste my time dating a guy I know I will have no future with-like a 22 year old. Is it too late to join a convent?


Anonymous said...

at least call him and tell you're not interested.

KD said...

I know, I know. I will. Promise. Tomorrow (I'm at work right now).

Anonymous said...

If only there was some way that this whole problem could have been avoided . . . oh wait, it was YOU that gave him your number.


KD said...

HEY! In my defense, I had had about 7-8 Captain and diet coke' was NOT my fault.....what can I say? I'm a sucker for cute boys. Even if they are only 22..........