Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Pix from this past weekend

I don't know how to make these pix any bigger (because I'm retarded like that), but here are some shots from our college gang Happy Hour on Friday and Mardi Gras on Saturday......
L: Mike and Lori/R: Canada and Mike
L: Canada and his friend Jen and her hubby/R: "The Gang"-Mike D and girlfriend Lauren, Me, Canada, Christi, Mike and Lori. I love these people!
L: Christi and Lori/R: Christi and Mike D

Mardi Gras fun:
L: Me and Canada/R: Boogie and me-lookin' hot kids!
L: me and my favorite Canadian/R: what the?????

L: Boogie lookin' bad ass/R: me and mon petit chou chou! :)
L: Canada, is that a Cubs hat on your head or are you just happy to see me?/R: What the hell is going on here? Do your spouses know?
L: Mr Canada/R: Boogie and me....we were quite "happy" when this shot was taken......


Anonymous said...

What the????? is right. You like you were almost ready to be propped up against a column.

KD said...

whatever dude!!!! I was in my prime at that time...now, later I really did have the urge to take a nap when all six of us were squeezed into that tiny car...luckily i had you to "prop" me up....

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. god.

That pic of me and the Big B making out is enough to make me pee my pants. =O


Val is going to love that!!!

KD said...

I know right???? Carrie, that is the funniest effing thing ever! Frame-worthy for sure! I SOOOOO love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I do not recall that blissfully romantic moment between the Big Bastad and I. I plead 3 buckets of Hurricane!! ha ha

KD said...

that's the best part! I was feeling pretty good that day but, luckily for me, I recall EVERY detail... :)

Anonymous said...

The mysterious thing is WHY am I missing from every pic? What the HELL was I doing?----Val

KD said...

Uh Val, I think you were too busy off dancing with the bouncers and cops........ :)