Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's really freakin' windy!

Good Lord! My poor little car was a' blowin' all over the road today! It's windy here in the STL folks! And cold, and raining, and icky.....what better way to spend such a crappy day than at the crisis line? Yes, that is where I am spending four hours of my life today. Time I'm never getting back. Not that I'd be doing anything productive in it's place, mind you. But still.

I went to church this morning, and hung out at Grandpa's for a bit afterwards. The Baumgartners were there as well. Grandpa was on a roll today. No one was safe, but in particular he mentioned Canucks, Italians and Koreans (I was quick to defend the Canucks!). He then got on this tangent about rocket propulsion and even went so far as to draw a diagram of it (which made me giggle), poor Grant was forced to answer questions about it, something about Newton's Law...I have no idea, it was WAY above my head. I ain't no rocket scientist!

I got this cool new fingernail polish. Now that I've finally stopped biting my nails, I can finally do fun girly things like paint my nails. My new color? Blood red. It's hot. It's so dark it's almost black. I love it!

Question of the day: Is there any difference between Foreigner and Journey? Discuss amongst yourselves.......


Anonymous said...

There is a difference between Foreigner and Journey . . . it's called Rock n' Roll

KD said...

which is which????? :)

Anonymous said...

Journey = Pop Rock
Foreigner = Rock & Roll

KD said...

OHHHHHHHHH.....thanks for clarifying. :)

Anonymous said...

I am still a little surprised I had to. From all that I have heard about Salem, I figured they would have taught you that in elementary school.

KD said...

I don't remember listening to Foreigner in elementary school...I remember Wham, the Flashdance soundtrack and Madonna.

Anonymous said...

I'm not talking musical tastes here . . . I'm talking curriculum

KD said...

oh yea...well, i didn't go to elementary school in Salem, remember. i was one of them there country kids who went to the country school. i recall us learning how to play flutophones in music class, but no foreigner...i mean, come on, this is the school that had a giant lagoon in the playground...not the best education system ever....

Anonymous said...

I figured it would have been taught right between the national anthem and learning the pledge of allegiance

KD said...

that would seem to be the most logical place...but alas, i missed out on a quality education, i grew up thinking chicago was a good band, that 311 rocks and that foreigner and journey are actually the same band.
thank you SO much RP for setting me straight.....

KD said...

PS-as always RP, you are the voice of reason....

Anonymous said...

It's what I do