Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The David's have it

Oh, I'm lovin' American Idol! The boys are really good folks. Thus far, the David's have it for me-all three of them. Especially that cute little 17 year old that my cousin Chelsea (and Mike) has a crush on-he is adorable and is my current favorite. Here is my rundown (I know you anxiously awaited my opinion on the matter):

The David's are the best. WTF is up with that Chicuka/Chickuzi guy? Was he on the Love Boat? Isaac, is that you? Moving on.....the one dude with the blond stripe in his head-I think his name was Jason-will be going home this week. He was WAY too cruise ship-y and is totally on his way to a theatre show in Branson. Good luck buddy. The little gay kid Danny was ok-don't do Elvis again though, kid, cuz it ain't working for ya. The other old dude, Luke, will be going home this week as well. I barely remember him. The kid who looks like Peter Frampton was ok, he'll be gone soon though. LOVE myself the dude from Australia. He is my favorite behind the little 17 year old David. I like the kid with the dreads too, but let's be honest, white people shouldn't have's just not right.

Can I just ask, what the f**k was Paula talking about half the time? Dude, she gets weirder and weirder.....lay off the pain pills sister girl! I will miss the girls tonight as I have to work at the crisis line (yee haw), but I'm sure I'll get the recap tomorrow at work from the other American Idol freaks (there are a lot of us). I also watched Big Brother (had to channel flip, it was a bit stressful having them on at the same time), not sure I'm really in to Big Brother this year, they changed the format so not sure I'm digging it. I spent the other part of my evening talking to this really cute and sweet and funny Canadian online. He apparently has a weird fascination with Richard "Dickie" "Rico" Simmons however, and that concerns me a bit..... ;)

Happy Wednesday everyone! I am feeling much better today, guess I just had a case of the Monday's after all. I'm already looking forward to the weekend. I'm getting my hair did on Saturday afternoon (sooooo looking forward to a cut and new hilights, it's the little things, people!). I'm apparently going to some charity dinner/trivia night thing downtown on Saturday night (I heard the words "free drinks" and was sold), Friday night the girls and I are going to see the new Vince Vaughn movie, tomorrow night is Book Club. My schedule is packed y'all. I can squeeze you in on Sunday if you'd like. Call my secretary. Thanks.


Val said...

Ker -- I just have to tell you this --and it's not Idol related. In today's Salem News in the Yesteryears section is the floowing: 20 Year Ago - 1988.
Sarah Schafer was the first place winner at a spelling bee at North Wood R-IV. Kerrie (yes they used ie) Davidson was the runner-up.

KD said...

OMG, that is hilarious! I was robbed! Robbed I tell you! I'm gonna email Sara...

Val said...

Ironic that I tell you of a spelling bee when I didn't quite spell "following" right. Oops

KD said...

well, I guess when know what parent I DIDN'T get my spelling ability you mommy! :)