Thursday, May 31, 2007

I swear, crazy people follow me everywhere

First there was yesterday's incident at the gas station. Then there was last night's incident at Schnucks. I had to go to Schnucks after Job #2 last night because we are having a food day today for my boss Karen's birthday (uh, didn't we just have a food day? I'm sure y'all recall the cheese dip incident from last week...). I was in charge of purchasing the card (A big challenge. There are only so many "from all of us" cards to go around, ya know). So, I went to checkout and went to the 20 Items or Less checkout lane. Now, y'all have seen this lane, does it not clearly state "20 Items or Less"? I was just minding my own business, chatting with the checker (and yes, I did have less than 20 items), when this woman and her kid came up behind me with a FULL CART of groceries. The checker very politely advised her that this was a 20 items or less lane-and the woman went BALLISTIC. I mean, going off on this poor girl, screaming "that's ridiculous, there is no one else in line here, now I'm going to have to wait in line for 10 minutes", she continued to rant and rave, left for a bit to go stand in the "long" line (there were like two whole people in front of her), then came back and demanded to speak to the poor girls manager, saying she wanted to file an official complaint. I just looked at this crazy woman like she had four heads. DUDE-it's a 20 items or less lane!! You had like 100 items. Do the math. I mean, I had just left the crisis line where I dealt with crazy for four hours, I was really hoping I was done for the night. It was not to be.

Today I am really, really sleepy. Could be the rainy, cloudy weather. Could be that I stayed up reading when I should have gone to sleep. Either way, I'm sleepy. It's 8:15am and my Big Gulp is almost gone. Never a good sign.

In good news, I do believe Jessica is being induced today. We will have a new baby in the family soon! I can't wait to meet him/her (I'm thinkin' its a "him"). YAY! Babies are so much fun......when they're someone else's, that is. I'm having dinner with an old friend from high school tonight-that MySpace-always reconnecting people!!! It should be fun.

Happy Thursday!

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