Sunday, May 27, 2007


Chuck-o is a vicious game, at least it is when my family is playing. It's every man (or woman) for him(her)self. Winner takes all. It could be more vicious than Yahtzee.....Jon, mom and Aunt Cheryl got the game set up for us.Dad's got the moves....he and I beat mom and Aunt Jan. We rock.Even at nine months pregnant, Jessica is still a fierce competitor....Jon and Uncle Ron.....Ron is running a tutorial on how the game is and Aunt Jan...Jeff and Jessica-I can't believe Baby Jeffy is gonna be a daddy this week! I know he and Jessica are gonna be great parents. Baby Twyman will be very loved, that's for sure!Jon and Aunt Diane show us how it's done-or are they just staring at the bean-bag?professional Chuck-0 players, Red and GrantWhat form!!!! Yea....I sucked. Memorial Day weekend wouldn't be complete without some fine family fun. Our outing at Shaw Park was great fun (we missed the Dingiiii though...). When the rains came, we all huddled under the shelter and played games-Yahtzee, cards, stuff like that. We still managed to entertain ourselves. And, never fear, I was always there with the camera..... Here's 3/4 of the Baumgartner clan-Uncle Jimmy, Jackie and Grant (they are both taller than me-it's quite sad, really). Yahtzee, anyone? For the record-I came in last....dead last. Here's me and my sis. Aren't we cute????And everyone's favorite guy..........GRANDPA!!! (when he saw this picture, he said "hey, it looks like I'm a drunk". He's not-for the record.)
Jessica is quite the trooper-nine months pregnant and looking great! Baby Twyman will be induced on Thursday if she hasn't had him/her by then-can't wait for the new addition!!!! Clint-see what Jon was doing to your child!!!! Kira was scoring piggy back rides and mean, mean Jon took that poor angel child out in the rain....ok, ok, she LOVED it, but we wanted to make sure you knew what your child was up to here in the STL!!!Mom and her sisters, Aunt Cheryl and Aunt Jan. Could they look any more alike???? And now, for my favorite pictures of the day......THE PARTY PICS!!! These made us all laugh so hard..... this one of me and my dad is so funny, I almost pee in my pants just looking at it....Red, mom and I-the girls!!!me and my sisme and my cousin Grant. The best was when we were discussing how he made straight A's in school-I asked him if he had to study at all or if it just came naturally. His response???? It comes naturally. That's ok, because Red totally got called out by a five year old-when Red was discussing Shamu being a killer whale, little Julian was like, "no, Shamu is an orca". Touche. I love my family so much, today was great. I didn't get any pics of our stellar whiffle ball playing (I was totally hard core. Jeff's curve ball had nothing on me!!!!), or me and Red attempting to play washers-we sucked, let's just admit it now. We will all be together again in two weeks for Ben and Ashlee's wedding and I can't wait!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! :)

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