Wednesday, May 09, 2007

and in the "this could only happen to Kerri" category...

Ok, so this morning I got up a bit early and thought I'd make the effort to actually straighten my hair-a rarity on work days because it entails getting up earlier than I want to. No biggie, I figure, so I get to work straightening my mass of waves. I get about half of my head done when it happened-yes, the straightener fell in the sink-where there was some standing water. It started hissing, my first thought was "what do I do?". Then I got the brilliant idea to unplug it (genius). Why was there standing water, you may ask? Well, because my apartment is like 60 years old and the plumbing isn't the greatest. Been meaning to get some more, needless to say, I couldn't finish straightening my hair, so I had to throw it up on top of my head and head out the door. VERY hot. Here's hoping my straightener still works cuz I really like it......seriously people, I shouldn't be allowed out of the house..........

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