Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm a' headin' to Wrigley!!!

Ok, so it's not until Labor Day weekend, but a girl can still be excited! I love my Cubs and I love Wrigley Field and I love Chicago (that's a lot of things to love!). Plus, I'll get to see my friend Eric who I haven't seen in over a year. Yay! Can't wait, it's been a couple of years since I've been to Chicago. My co-worker Michelle (Harry Caray's daughter) has indicated she may be able to score me some VIP treatment at Harry's restaurant (YES). Love it! My Cubbies won a double header today, by the way. They are now 12-14, not so much impressive overall, but they have won 5 out of their last 6 games. I'm hoping their "June Swoon" was in April and that the rest of the months will be smooth sailing!

Countdown: Gay rodeo in 3 days!!!!!! Here's a glimpse into what you'll be missing:

Goat Dressing
This two-person event was created specially for gay rodeo. The team stands 50 feet from the point where the goat is tethered. One of the team members has a pair of jockey-style underwear worn over their forearms. When the whistle sounds, the team runs to the goat. The team member without the underwear picks up the goat's rear hooves, grabs the underwear from around the other member's arms, and pulls it up the legs of the goat. Both team members must then race back to the start/finish line and cross the finish line to stop the time. The underwear must stay over the goat's tail bone until the timer is tagged by both members.

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