Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dish Network and the DMV

Odd combo, I know. But this is how I spent my day. I took the day off from work so I could be home when the Dish Network guy showed up. Yep-he called me at 7:45am (so much for sleeping in...) and advised he was on his way. As he surveyed my building, he determined that he was going to have to put the satellite on the roof-luckily, my landlord just happened to be there and he gave his blessing. The guy was at my apartment for about two hours (does it really take that long?). Now? I have REAL TV! Isn't that exciting? And as I skimmed through my 200+ channels, I realized-there's nothing on. Sad, but true.

After all that fun, I decided to venture out to everyone's favorite place-the Department of Motor Vehicles. Great. I figured, it's 11am, beginning of the month, there won't be any lines at all, right? Wrong. I waited in line about 40 minutes, got up to the desk and informed Mr. DMV that I never received a Personal Property tax waiver. He looked at me like I was a moron and said "did you go pick it up at City Hall?". Now, how in the hell was I supposed to know that you had to do that? I didn't even know where the freakin' City Hall was. But I do now (Market and Tucker, in case you care). The Personal Property tax guy was really nice, got me my waiver and sent me on my merry way, announcing on my way out "the DMV is closed today you know for Truman's birthday". My response? "Uh...not the one on Kingshighway", to which the others in the crowd were like "really?", "you sure?", "that's where I'm going". Apparently, I saved the day. I mean, who knew that the DMV shuts down operation for Truman's birthday? So, back to the DMV I went, where I waited another 40 minutes and ended up getting the same Mr. DMV as last time, and he remembered me. This time, I was in and out in about two minutes, my only question was-why didn't I qualify for the two year plates? Now, I'll have to go back to the frickin' DMV next year.....

Well, after all that fun, I cancelled my plans to get an oil change and wash my car (definite car theme today). I did manage to vacuum my car, but that was about it. I went back home, did some more channel surfing (still nothing on) and decided to go for my jog around the park. I pushed myself this time and went further than I had been going. My back hurts now-probably because I am an old, old woman. The good news? That size 4 dress I bought for Ben and Ashlee's wedding? Fits perfectly. YES! Guess all that running is actually doing some good!

Tonight is American Idol night-YAY! Commentary coming soon...

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