Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dumb drivers

I cannot believe that St. Louis was only ranked 22nd for the worst drivers in the U.S. Uh-have you been to St. Louis? People are retarded here. Exhibit A: I'm on my way to work this morning when traffic comes to a dead stop on Hwy 170. This road isn't usually backed up in the mornings, so I automatically assumed there was an accident (hence the stupid driver). What was it? A semi had jack-knifed, the truck part was over the median (a good 3 feet high), and the trailer part was taking up two lanes on the other side of the highway. Yea....are you sure we're only the 22nd worst?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was a self report study by drivers in each city about road rage not whether they are good drivers. plus self report to me means not very accurate.