Monday, May 07, 2007

Steers and Queers

Yes, it was a steers and queers weekend at the gay rodeo. Mike and I had some good times. I mean, where else can you watch a bunch of gay cowboys put panties on a goat? The answer? The gay rodeo, of course! There were some horses, and cows and drag queens-everything you'd expect at the gay rodeo. The drag queens were a little scary. Mike and I drank some Miller Lite, laughed a lot (especially when some dude walked by and called me "the wife"). It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Saturday night my girl Karen and I went to a benefit for our friend Denise's sister and niece (Denise's brother-in-law passed away suddenly a couple months ago). It was a great turnout and great to see Denise and Aimee again. Yesterday, I didn't do a whole lot-did some jogging then went to work at the crisis line for five hours. Fun stuff indeed.

I so don't want to jinx it, but my Cubbies are on a roll (I probably just jinxed it). Actually above .500! Yay! How sad is it when a record of 15-14 is good enough for 2nd place? Pretty sad indeed. Oh well, we'll take it!

I got to speak to my favorite Canadian, Canada Canada the 3rd, last night! Yay! We talked what, like two hours again, Canada? Well, in between the times when his phone died. Damn international calls......I always love talking to Canada!

Ok, work is crazy today, must go save some mental health lives. Happy Monday y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was told there would be pictures