Monday, January 01, 2007

"Wait, I gotta finish my wine", said by Claire B., age 5, New Years Eve 2006

I never thought I'd hear a 5 year old say that, but that is, indeed what Claire said last night. We were at my friend Carrie's house (I cannot believe those kids made it to midnight-I barely made it to midnight) and we let the kids take part in the celebration with us-Sprite for them (with just a drop of champagne) and champagne for us. Oh, and fireworks for the men. Frightening. I saw BB with like six sparklers in his hands, and I got scared....real scared.....Anyway, New Year's Eve was fun. I was kinda in a bummed out mood (really ready to get 2006 over with already!), but once there I had fun with my friends like I always do. The food was great, the kids mostly stayed downstairs watching movies and the adults stayed upstairs for a rousing game of '80's Trivial Pursuit (Carrie and I were a team and we were the Care Bears-get it????) and watching "Jackass II"-SO not kid appropriate and every time one of the little munchkins would sneak up from the basement, you got to see eight adults scrambling to pause the movie or turn the tv screen off ( I really don't think it would have been good for the kids to see some stupid dude freeze his boys to a horse ice sculpture, do you????). We had quite the alcohol assortment, the ladies were making up drinks (that blueberry juice and champagne was pretty good!), and don't worry mom, I stayed sober as I was driving, but I did have to have my favorite Captain and Diet Coke as well as a glass of Carrie's sangria (to die for). I think I ate my weight in chicken wings and nachos, so I'm pretty sure my two drinks absorbed quickly.....I also received two voicemail messages from two very special kiddos wishing me a late Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It brought tears to my eyes and I plan to call them back today just as soon as I'm fully awake..........I came home last night to find my microwave wasn't on, nor was my refrigerator. My first thought was did I pay the electric bill?, however, quickly realized that everything else was still, this morning, I stumbled downstairs, in search of the circuit breaker box (I'm a genius, huh?). Luckily for me, all the little switches were labeled, I flipped off then on the kitchen ones and....tadaaaa! Both are back up and running now. I am the smartest girl alive......

With all that being said, I hope everyone had a great, and safe, New Years Eve. I hope you all have a wonderful 2007 like I plan to do. I had the realization last night that I have yet another birthday looming on the horizon. I'm not happy about it, but what can you do? I think celebrating the first anniversary of my 30th birthday will be fun....I'll be drunk so I don't have to remember it.....

I'll leave you with this. A quote that fought for top spot on the title line. It totally would have made it if Claire hadn't made her announcement about drinking her wine. Claire's adorable 2 year old sister, Sarah, entertained the adults with her rousing renditions of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Jingle Bells" and, my favorite "I'm a Little Tea Pot", only in Sarah's version, she said "I'm a little tea top, tea top, tea top".......complete with a VERY dramatic "pour me out", complete with jazz hands.....2 years olds ROCK. I love that kid.

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