Friday, January 05, 2007

KD's rant of the day

Know what song I absolutely HATE? "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder. Why do I hate it so much, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you. I hate the whole premise of the song. Basically, you have a guy who has recently begun talking to his ex again, he has a girlfriend mind you, but is still talking to the ex, even wishes the current girlfriend was the ex sometimes, and guesses they never really moved on, blah, blah, blah. That's called having an EMOTIONAL AFFAIR. In my book, that's worse than an actual physical affair. I mean, would you like it if your boyfriend was constantly talking to his skank whore ex with you in the next room?????


Anonymous said...

I thought it was beautiful and touching

KD said...

what? the song or my rant???? :)

Anonymous said...

The song obviously

KD said...

i hope you're joking. that song sucks hardcore.

Anonymous said...

I like to think of it as a tale of true love overcoming all obstacles.

KD said...

you are a sick, sick man, Mr. Tessier! sick, i tell ya!

Anonymous said...

If she's not smart enough to figure this one out, she's got more problems than just the boyfriend. He's singing all of this over the phone for Pete's sake.