Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Party on Wayne, party on Garth

Ok, birthday plans are in full swing. If you got an email, you know the 411. If I forgot anyone, please let me know. It is sure to be the social event of the year (I am soooooo being sarcastic).

I am totally freezing at work today. Yeah, I know it's only like 14 degrees outside, but I think it may only be 14 degrees inside as well. I mean, seriously! It's cold people! I had a hospital reviewer this morning ask me if I was drunk. Now, maybe it's because I didn't know what day of the week it was, or maybe it's because he works at a substance abuse treatment center and is looking for new business. Or, maybe it's because I'm drunk at 9:30am....at work. I don't know.

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