Sunday, January 07, 2007

I am oh so very tired.....

I love my friends, but sometimes, four of you in a hotel room is just too much. None of us slept last night. My head has that swimming feeling. Yet, I agreed to work at the crisis line today, not knowing I'd be going in on no sleep. Yikes.

Our roadtrip to Quincy, IL for Christina's wedding was fun. Renee, Krista, Cheryl and I did a lot of laughing. It was quite a boring drive scenery-wise (other than the house with the yard full of chickens). Once we got to our hotel, we ran into Maggie and Matt and Bruce and several other people that were apparently in town for the wedding (it was quite the event, apparently!). The wedding was nice and Christina looked really beautiful. The reception was at the local Elks Lodge (ALWAYS a good time. "Ride the Elk", right Shannon????). Everyone was having a good time dancing (and drinking). I didn't really drink, wasn't feeling it. Didn't really dance either. I was a party pooper (I'm getting old, what can I say????). We went back to the hotel and watched a really bad Lifetime movie and went to sleep. In theory. I really didn't sleep at all and next thing I knew it was morning.

So, now, here I am, almost three hours in to my shift at the crisis line. So far, so good. The calls haven't been so bad (knock on wood). I can't wait to go home and go to bed though.....

Coming soon, random quotes from the roadtrip. I'd do them now, but I left them all at home (we wrote them down, of course) and I want to ensure accuracy.


Anonymous said...

I hear 11 in a hotel room can be tiring too. . .

KD said...

Oh yea, 11 people in one hotel room CAN be tiring. Yet oddly entertaining....remember taking shifts between who got the floor and who got to be on one of the beds? Ah...the good ol' days!