Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to the old grind

No more short work weeks. The holidays are officially over, time for the same ol', same ol'. I am actually happy about it. I really just wanted to get the holidays and 2006 over with. Now it's a new year and a new outlook. I informed everyone at work today that my New Year's resolution is to be a bitch all year. So far? I'm doing really, really well......Ok, maybe not so much being bitchy just for the sake of being bitchy, what I mean by that is that no more Doormat Kerri. I'm standing up for myself and not taking any crap from anyone. Watch out world......Erin and I have restarted the South Beach Diet. Phase 1 sucks hardcore. Basically, you are eating nothing but vegetables and protein for 2 weeks. Absolutely NO sugar or carbs. I may die. I still have about 5-7 pounds to lose and should definitely be able to do so on South Beach. My measure is my size 4 jeans-they still fit, I just want them to be looser, thats all. It's a girl thing.

I'll be heading to the big town of Quincy, Illinois this weekend (breaking my ban on the entire state for one day only) for my friend Christina's wedding. Long awaited wedding, I should say. She and Chris have been together, what? 6-7 years now? I'm sure all will be fun. Nothing like a road trip to Quincy!!!! Yahoo!!!

Ok, must go now. I'm sure I've got some more people to bitch at today before I leave work. My work is never done..........

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