Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Idiot People strike again

This time it was in the form of Night-time Snow Drivers. You know who you are. It just took me an hour to get home and we only have a HALF INCH OF SNOW. What in the hell is wrong with people? And why do people drive with their hazards on when it snows? Is this some kind of state law I'm not following, or what? Could someone give me the 411 on that please? Thanks. So, it's now 11pm and I am wired from my crazy drive home (not to mention my 13 hour work day, but that's beside the point....) and I have to be up again in another 7 hours. It's a vicious cycle. Got another 13 hour work day tomorrow. I'm not complaining-it was smooth sailing at the crisis line tonight, I think I took maybe 5 or 6 calls in five hours, not a bad nights work right there! I am, however, ready for this week to be over and for the weekend to begin. Is that too much to ask?

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