Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Really, all I was doing was quoting a U2 song. Calm down. ;)

Well, I managed to leave the apartment just long enough to go rent some movies. I know some of you may be surprised (J knows oh so how excited I was to sit and watch movies, right J? I believe the challenge was to see how long I could stay awake....), but today just feels like a sit around and watch movies kind of day. And I got to rent the movies that I wanted to see. Yes, that's right-chick flick galore! Ok, so Talladega Nights isn't a chick flick, but it is pretty damn funny ("I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey"). I also got "The Break Up". Appropriate, huh? I only got a little sappy and sad watching it. And I only cried once. :(That Jennifer Anniston gets me every time! I also made my homemade chili, which is pretty damn good if I do say so myself. I did about six loads of laundry and I thought about doing the dishes. Pretty exciting day, huh? B)

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