Thursday, January 04, 2007

ERN! I think I ate too much sugar-free candy!

Yes, Erin and I have discovered the joys of sugar-free candy. Day 3 of South Beach Phase 1 is going well. Yes, I'm a little tired of eating veggie omelettes, but so far, so good. Sugar-free candy nowadays really isn't so bad.

I got my new cell phone yesterday. I was just so tired of my other one. The battery died nearly every day, I could barely hear callers. It just plain sucked. My new one is way cute (duh!), now if I can just figure out how to work it, I'll be in good shape!

I have run out of things to say. Yes, my life is that exciting.


Anonymous said...

I warned you!

KD said...

Ern, it's no kind of good, I tell ya! And Andy looked at me weird today in the cafeteria. I had a plate full of cheese and raw veggies...i had to explain that i had brought my own lettuce for salad, but wanted some toppings on it...i think he thinks i am insane.......

Anonymous said...

who cares what he thinks...he's a self absorbed lamo. i don't know him but that's the vibe i get rom him. plus you're a hotty and he's not.

KD said...

yea, i used to think he was a self absorbed lamo (but thats what I think about all men nowadays), but really, he's always been nice to me, so maybe he isn't so bad. his team loves him, so maybe he isn't so bad after all......