Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Roboto

I think our guy at the Japanese restaurant last night hated me. Let me explain. The Book Club girls and I decided to branch out and have this month's book club out-we chose a Japanese restaurant (I know, we are out of control....), Kobe, on Olive. Have y'all gone to one of these places before? You know, where you sit at a long table and the chef cooks the food in front of you? They also talk to you the whole time and try to entertain you. It is some good times. Let me tell you why I think our chef didn't like me. I must start by letting you all know that I am a little ADHD. I know, it's true. See, when there is too much noise and people and stuff going on, I can't focus. That, and I was really tired last night. So, every time our chef asked me a question (because this is supposed to be an interactive experience, dontcha know?), I answered him with either "what?" or "huh?", followed by a blank expression on my face. He was like "don't you understand my English?". I was kinda out of it. I think I pushed him over the edge when I refused to try to catch a piece of shrimp in mouth. The food was good, however, they give you tons there. After dinner, someone came up with the idea to go get some ice cream, so we went to Cold Stone Creamery. I had never been there before, but people rave about it. The choices of ice cream are overwhelming there. I couldn't take it, so I ordered strawberry. I'm all about simplicity. And not making my head hurt. We had a ton of fun there, we sat on the big leather couches and laughed a lot (I'm sure it had to do with the sugar high at 9pm. I know I have sworn off sugar, but it was for Book Club dammit!). I love when Renee announced she was leaving and no one looked up (besides me), so she yelled "bitches", again, no one looked up, so she yelled "bitches and hoes", again no one looked up. I thought that was hilarious (again, sugar high), the girls finally looked up to see what was so funny. I guess you had to be there.

So, I am tired again today. The good news is, tonight is the only night I don't have something to do, so I plan to fully take advantage of that. I'm just gonna go home and chill. Maybe take the trash out, do some dishes and laundry (wait, that is not chillin'!). And I am for sure gonna watch American Idol. I have such an exciting life, don't I? (all you smart asses, don't answer that!).

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