Sunday, January 07, 2007

Roadtrip to Quincy quote list

Granted, funny quotes are usually only funny to those that were around to hear them. Nonetheless, I must list our quotes from the weekend. It should be noted that most of them are by Krista. Who knew she was so full of one liners????? She had us rolling.....

The following are from Krista, with love:

While talking about a completely unrelated topic, Krista suddenly says "I hope the cake is good". To which I replied "Hello, random".

Later, Krista says, out of the blue, "there's also a new person in town, he drives a big van and you get in it and exercise".......uh, what???

While in the hotel, Maggie is talking about something and Krista says "I never would have thought of doing that because I would have never thought of it'. Uh....ok.....

And later, while getting dressed for the wedding, Krista says "I'm trying to get my thong on and it's getting all twisted". Thanks for the info.....

During the wedding, Krista hit us with "I love nuts with my cake", "I need more ass bags" and "Book bed".

Also said, but not by Krista:

"My swimming suit is ribbed". Renee announced this, to which I said "for her pleasure?". I won't even begin to explain why she had a swimsuit in January....

And, perhaps my favorite quote, Renee, around 1am or so, yells for me to come into the bathroom with her and she says "what the hell, just shave my hairy neck". I almost wet my pants with that one......

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