Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Slump city

Thank God the Brew Crew is sucking too, because my Cubbie's are in a hardcore slump, y'all! I know everyone thinks they are gonna fold without Soriano, I don't think they will. Hopefull Crazy Carlos can pitch them to victory tonight. Yea, yea, yea, so Barry Bonds hit 756 last night. Good for him and his steroids, hope he can live with himself knowing that most of those homeruns were hit with a little bit extra HGH in his system. Pretty sure Hank Aaron never juiced......but whatever, thanks for playin' Barry Bonds. Dirty cheater.

Ok, so all morning, I have been sitting here with the weird feeling that I had some sort of dream last night that freaked me out, but I can't remember any of it. I just know I had it. Maybe it's because I was reading a book about schizophrenia before I went to bed last night....I don't know. I'm sleepy. My allergies have been acting a fool lately, so the last couple of nights I have taken Benadryl before I go to bed. I only take one little 25mg pill, but my God does it knock me out! I am such a medicine wuss. I don't know how the pill poppers/drug addicts do it! I don't think there is any way I could ever develop an Oxycontin habit where I'm taking 10 pills a day. I can't even handle ONE Benadryl. Hell, Advil makes me sleepy.

Well, I am working my part-time job the next two nights. Fun times had by all, I'm sure. I'm already exhausted thinking about it. Friday will be filled with preparations for my sister and Jon's party, mom and I must do some shopping and I must prepare the dreaded deviled eggs...they're good, I know, just a huge pain in the butt to make. I am also undertaking some other cooking projects...aren't you proud? KD is cooking, all domestic and stuff. Don't get used to's all for my sis and Jon because I love them. :)

I have to pee, so I'm gonna go. Happy Hump Day y'all.

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