Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm so excited I could pee

It's a Cubs and Cards weekend party people! Can ya feel it? OMG, I am soooooo excited. This is the way it should be-our boys fighting for 1st place in the NL Central. I LOVE IT!!!! My friend Allison will be at the game tomorrow-SO jealous about that, but whatever. Moving on. My weekend plans will be revolving around the games this weekend, Girls Lunch better be speedy because we got a game at 3pm, y'all! :) GO CUBS! GO CUBS! GO CUBS! GO CUBS! GO CUBS!

Other than baseball, I do have a fun-filled weekend planned. Tomorrow is our monthly Girl's Lunch-our last one with my sis....BOO! :( Tomorrow night I am having Girls Nite Out with Val, Robyn and Ern-we will SOOOOOOOOOO miss Nenonen! :( Sunday I am having our monthly brunch with Renee and Sue. Good times, good times my friends. Good times.

Well, thus far this morning Mike has already broken out into his rendition of "Close to You" by The Carpenters. Usually a sign of a long day when that happens. He also has decided he wants the shirt I am wearing today. It says "Country Girl". I love Mike. We actually have some work to do today, nothing too terribly painful, but a full caseload nonetheless. Have a good Friday y'all! Happy weekend, much love!


Heidi said...

Allison sux. And why are you not working with me this weekend again? So not right.

KD said...

Heids-it's not because i don't love you, b/c i do!!! it's just that i'm working so freakin much next week.....when u won't be there. what is up w/that?????

Heidi said...

we need to coordinate better. bhr just isn't the same without u were making me laugh.