Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I like cheese

That's a quote from Mike and Jeff. No, not my cousins Mike and Jeff, my beyond handsome co-workers, Mike and Jeff. "The Girls", if you will. They like cheese.

I saw a commercial last night and there was a goat on it. I took this to be a direct sign that the Billygoat Curse for the Cubs is still in effect. It's true. I don't make this stuff up. They lost again last night, it is beyond annoying. I'm thinking of becoming a Cards fan solely for the purpose of cheering on Rick Ankiel (I think I may have a bit of a crush on him). I'd switch to cheering for the Brew Crew, but honestly, they suck as bad as the Cubs do. Actually, the entire NL Central sucks, but that's besides the point. Speaking of the Cubs, only two more weeks before I am in Chicago seeing them play at Wrigley. I sooooo can't wait to be back in Chi-town, it's been awhile. I will be visiting my friend Eric, totally excited to see him (although, he was so NOT the Cubs good luck charm last night, he was at the game, they lost, I am thinking twice about taking him to the game with me on Sept 3).

I am completely over working today. I don't know why, it's not like we're busy. I'm just over it. And I miss Amy Henson.

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