Thursday, August 30, 2007

I had that dream again...

NO, not the one with me and Matthew McConaughey, the other one....the one where my teeth fall out. I absolutely hate it when I have that dream. This is a recurring dream for me, the situations/settings are usually different but the end result is always the same-my teeth fall out. It is beyond disturbing. I went to a dream interpretation web site, and this is what I found:

Dreams of tooth loss coupled with anxiety reflect a fear of change, fear of transition.Losing teeth in dreams can also point to insecurity about finances.Tooth loss dreams may also symbolize a fear of abandonment, of being left behind with no recourse. Look at your relationships and see if any of them are leaving you with feelings of insecurity. Another interesting way of translating tooth loss dreams may be a fear of giving away too much information, a spilling of secrets, or a fear of being lied to.

What the????? I do remember feeling very anxious during the dream, but that's about it. I think this dream just proves what we all already know-I'm a friggin' mess. Amen.

So, the f'ing Cubs lost last night. That's kinda ok though, since the Cards did too. It's all good in the hood. Dumb bastards.


Anonymous said...

i have those dreams too and in my expert opinion i think it means i am afraid of my teeth falling out. speaking of dreams you were in mine last night and you stole the hot looking guy i was talking to while i went to take care of my kids, you ho! he was hot, so what if i'm married. have a fun trip.

KD said...

Oh Lizard, dreaming about me again.... :) sorry i took your hot man, i'll never do it again! :) Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I have the teeth falling out dream sometimes to. And the worst part is that they are always those dreams that you could swear were really happening.

KD said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one...and you're right Canada-it totally feels like it is really happening! Creepy!