Monday, August 20, 2007

Damn you, ASPCA!

Have any of you seen that ASPCA commercial with Sarah McLaughlin? You know, the one with all the sad-eyed puppies and kitties who have been abused and then saved by the ASPCA? I saw it for the first time yesterday and CRIED LIKE A BABY! Like a baby, I tell you. I think it was the one-eyed Shitzu that broke me down. So sad! I wanted to call right away and donate my paycheck (I didn't). See, I'm not heartless.

So, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was good. I spent Friday doing not a whole lot-just the way I like it. I worked on getting the internet hooked up on my computer, not having much luck. I really looked like I knew what I was doing with my screwdriver...the problem? My ethernet thingy-ma-bob is not compatible with my Yahoo DSL program. Any advice, Auntie C, the Guru of Computers????

Saturday was our Girls Lunch (see the pics on the family blog). We celebrated Aunt Mary's 50th birthday. Aunt Mary you are so beautiful and totally do not look 50. Yes, thank GOD we age well in this family. Maybe a little too well-you see, our waiter at Olive Garden offered every adult wine with their lunch. Every adult, that is, but ME. He just passed right over me on to Aunt Paula. What? Don't I look 21? Didn't he see my gray hair? Not that I wanted to drink wine at 1:00 in the afternoon, but still, it's the principle people!!!! Whatever. I'm over it.

Saturday night, I went out with my girls Erin, Robyn and Val. Erin, Robyn and I had dinner at Rigazzi's (yep, that's twice in one week people!). I got my fishbowl of Miller Lite-because, really, what gets classier than that??? (I just realized this story would be better with pictures, I have some, just have no way to upload them at the present moment, so deal with it). After dinner (where we manhandled the Al Capone statue-again, pictures would better illustrate this), we went to Tin Can to have some beverages and Val met up with us. Val and Rob decided to try their newest in a can....complete with it's own bendy straw. It tasted like ass. 'Nuff said. Later on in the night, Big Bastard (Val's hubby) and his friend Jeff met up with us and we all headed out to the Trophy Room (open till 3am y'all!). There was some PRIME people watching there, wow. I especially loved the burlesque "dancer" from Vegas (again, pics would help). We got BB to chat her up. He is such a stud. Val just rolled her eyes and laughed at his attempts to talk to this girl. Love it.

Sunday, I slept in, not gonna lie (uh, I got home after 3am, give me a break!). I nearly forgot about brunch with my friends Renee and Sue. We met up at the art museum-kinda a fun place to have lunch. After that, I headed home to try my new exercise DVD...complete with the balance ball. Because, I am gonna get my "core" in shape if it kills me. At least I'll die with flat abs......jogging for the last four months has gotten my lower half in shape, but my "core"???? Not so much. I am completely fed up with it, so I got this DVD and did all the exercises, rolling around on this giant ball, which I'm sure looked REAL cute. After that, I jogged/walked my three miles. This morning? I HURT LIKE HELL! It hurt to drive this morning, and it kinda hurts to breathe. Proof the tape is working, right? We shall see....I'm doing it again tonight.

I was pretty pissed that the Cards/Cubs game got rained out last night. All day long I looked forward to some kickass Cubs action, but it was not to be last night. In case you hadn't heard, my Cubbies have won the first two games of the series, they are in FIRST PLACE y'all! Yes, I am excited. So what if it's only by a game. They are still in first. They are playing the Cards again today if the weather holds out. GO CUBBIES!

1 comment:

Cheryl Verde said...

If you can drop off your computer to me, I will check it out for you.