Monday, August 20, 2007

Quality television

Ok, so I got caught up in watching "Rock of Love" on VH1 yesterday. Whose idea was this trainwreck? I mean, these women are dirty, trashy, skank-whores and Bret Michaels is no prize himself-time has not been good to him. He looks ok with that bandana and cowboy hat on, but in one episode, he was standing there in his man-jammies and no bandana on, and let me tell ya...I was skurrrrred. Nothing sexier than a middle-aged, balding man with shoulder length hair standing there in his man-jammies. Yikes. Trainwreck as it was, you may be asking yourself-ok, so if it was so bad,why were you watching it all day? Valid question. My only response, is that much like a trainwreck, I couldn't look away. I was mesmerized by the awesome badness of it all. Can't wait for next week's episode.


Anonymous said...

Rock of Love is the best show, ever, hands down. My friend, Emily, was actually groped up by Bret Michaels once. That show is a freakin methadone clinic, well without the methadone, I guess. Will someone get these bitches some methadone?? Man-jammies. Gotta get JD some o' those. Hot.

KD said...

Rob-did u see the episode w/the man jammies? That hair? Ugh! It was hideous! And that one crack-whore Tiffany? Wow, words can't even describe how strung out, mentally ill she was! YIKES!

Anonymous said...

Don' threaten me wiff a goo time . . .gonna be my new catch phrase. Rodeo just made me want to throw up. Are they going to make a Charm School-Rock of Love? OMG--I'll have to quit my job.