Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

The title is a quote from the song that my co-worker Alex sings to me when I walk in the door at the crisis line (dude, I told you that if you read this blog, you are likely to become a subject of it. It's just the way it works.....sorry).

Anyway, people are freaking out, once again, about the weather. Now, to be fair, there was not a bit of snow on the ground when I got to work at 8:30. It is now just before 10:00 and the snow plows are out and the ground is totally covered. I'm hearing we are supposed to be getting an inch an hour. My question is-FOR HOW MANY HOURS? This could be problematic....and more importantly, I hope my 12-pack of Diet Coke doesn't freeze and explode in my car. That would suck. Trust me, I know. It's happened before, and I had Diet Coke slush all over my trunk. Not so much fun to clean up, believe you me.

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