Wednesday, February 21, 2007

meet Sicky Sickerson

That would be me. I left work at 2:30 today, got home at 3:00, was asleep probably 15 minutes later, woke up at 6:30, decided maybe I'd eat, call home and watch American Idol, and now it's 9:00 and I'm about to go back to bed. Yes, something is kicking my ass. Hardcore.

I did want to comment on American Idol for a moment. I think LaKesha is the one to beat. Anyone agree? There were 3 or 4 girls that were really, really good. I didn't get to see the guys last night because I was working, but from the clips I've heard, the girls were waaaaay better. Any other American Idol junkies out there? Who is your pick?

Ok, this stuffy nosed-bags under her eyes-coughing-aching-lightheaded girl is going to bed. Good night all and may you too fall asleep with the help of Nyquil.....

1 comment:

Broker said...

I am MOST DEFINITELY an American Idol junkie. If I can't watch it from start to finish, then it is TiVo'd until I can give it my full attention. I think that officially makes me a loser. :) Regardless, the girls were way better than the guys. It will be an interesting year!!