Tuesday, February 27, 2007

does it count?

For my Quest To Not Curse For Lent, does it count if I curse in my dreams? I was totally having some wacked out dreams last night (must be the crack) and I distinctly remember cursing in one of them. I don't think it should count. You can't control what you dream, people!!!!! Thoughts? Comments? Concerns about my sanity?

OMG-I am gonna go on a homicidal rampage if the person who is playing music in the office doesn't freakin STOP! Luckily, Mikey-poo went over and investigated for me and got the person to turn it down. It was waaaaaaaaaay annoying.....thanks Mike!!!! I really didn't want to have to kill anyone today...just don't have the energy.

Tonight is my only night I am not working this week. I plan to fully take advantage by putting my jammies on as soon as I get home, watching American Idol then probably going to bed. My alarm has gone off two days in a row-my alarm NEVER goes off, I always wake up before it does. So, you know I am exhausted if it actually goes off.

And I want to publicly hate on Amy for abandoning me today. She knows what I'm talking about.

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