Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day Baby!

Woo hoo! It's Opening Day in the MLB baby! SOOOOOOOOO excited! Like a good little delusional Cubs fan, I am filled with optimism for the upcoming season. Like the 100 years before this one, I believe THIS IS THE YEAR. Sure, the odds are against them, but Cubs fans have faith. I'm calling a repeat of the 1908 World Series-Cubs vs Tigers. Cubs win. End of story. End of a century-long drought. Let the games begin! :)

Had a very low-key weekend. I did a lot of cleaning, a lot of exercising, a lot of tv watching. It was pretty damn awesome. Oh, and I got to talk to my hottie Canadian on the phone on Saturday, which totally made my weekend. ;)

Thus far today we have re-capped our favorite weekend reality shows (Rock of Love is the BEST trainwreck out there), and I am trying desperately to wake up. Or get some energy. Or both. Case loads are tolerable today, so no complaints there. I AM already ready to go home, however....


Anonymous said...

You've been a Cubs fan for a hundred years??? I didn't know you were THAT old.

KD said...

I AM, young man, I am. :) Well preserved for a 100 year old lady, huh? :) You young whippersnappers these days....