Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sawin' logs sideways

I suddenly remember why I don't like this time of year. Because it is frickin' DARK when I get up for work now. That is SO not fun. How can one be expected to get up when it's still looks like it's night time? Not to mention that it has been raining pretty much non-stop for the last three days now. Over it. Oh and I've also been unable to sleep the last three nights in a row and AGAIN have a headache today (and no DT, it's not because I was up past my bedtime.....). :) Ok, now I'm over it.

So, last night was a challenge. You know, balancing my THREE favorite shows....sometimes at the same time. It was tough, but I'm a professional, and I was able to do it, only missing one of the dancers on Dancing With The Stars and one of the singers on American Idol (but I caught the end of it, don't think it was much to write home about anyway), oh, and the very end of Big Brother.

I guess the crabbiness that has been ravaging my office has spread to Simon on American Idol. He was a nasty biatch last night! Don't you be mean to my David Cook now! He's a Fighting Mule and he'll kick your ass!!! :) I gotta tell ya, the girls on this show bore me. I definitely think the boys are better this year. It was Beatles night again, which I love because I love the Beatles. I don't think the singers really dig them, however. Here's the low down:

1. Amanda-SO over her. We get it, you sound like Janis Joplin only not as good. Next.
2. Kristy Lee-ok folks, I think she did ok, but let's face it, she's only still on the show because she's pretty. Am I right? She picked "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" because she "liked the title"? What? You're an idiot, please stop talking. Next.
3. David A-hello AWESOME! He was great, great, great! I heard he forgot his words last week, so glad to see he was back in fighting form this week. Love this kid.
4. Michael-ok, the judges were hatin' on him but I think he was pretty good. The arrangement was kinda weird though, didn't really flow. Still love him.
5. Brooke-one word: snoozefest
6. David C-LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE him. No, really, I do. Simon was hatin on him, but I thought his version of "Day Tripper" kicked ass!
7. Carly-she sang well, even if it was a bit boring. Her husband scares me.
8. Jason-ok, I don't get it. Someone tell me why he's still on the show? He took one of the most beautiful Beatles songs, "Michele" (and I say that not just because that song is how I got my middle name), and did something way weird with it. I wasn't sure what was happening. Needless to say, I didn't like it.
9. Syesha-loved her version of "Yesterday". Almost brought a tear to my eye, it was that good.
10. Chikiezi-missed most of his due to channel flipping, but caught the end and all I can say is-what the hell? Was this square dancing/two step night and no one told me? Ick.
11. Ramiele-she was pretty good, plenty boring though. She's cute so she'll probably stick around.

My hunch is that Kristy Lee will be going home-or at least she should be. The David's and Syesha were the best of the night.

Now on to Dancing With The Stars, where we use the word "stars" loosely. It was the ladies night to dance and it was, interesting, I guess. That Kristi Yamaguchi is GOOD! She's the gal to beat, I'm thinking. Know who ISN'T good? That Monica Seles-I mean, could she look any more like a dude? Yikes. The chick from Hairspray is WAY too peppy-take it down a notch girlfriend. I actually ended up liking Priscilla Presley although it is scary how her face doesn't move.....I'm a' thinkin' she OD'ed on the botox....she seems nice though and she did a great job for an old lady. Who was amazing? The deaf chick, Marlee Matlin. She was great-it's amazing how she can learn the dances so well and can't even hear the music. I missed Shannon Elizabeth, but I hear she was fairly good. Can I just say WTF to the special musical guests next week? The Jonas Brothers? What? Aren't they like Disney Channel stars? What the????

Please dear God let today be better than yesterday. Considering it's not even 9am and I've already threatened to stab myself in the eye with my pen, I'm not having high hopes...... :)

P.S. Thanks for making me laugh last night, DT. You're the best. ;)

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