Friday, March 07, 2008

This is why I don't go to the 7 Eleven

I don't know if it's all 7 Eleven's, but the one by me is always full of construction workers and other blue collar types-especially early in the morning. Typically, I do not go to the 7 Eleven because of this (this demographic-and yes, I'm generalizing here-tend to want to hit on you and inappropriately leer at you at 6:45am. NOT my cup of tea). My usual morning haunt is the Phillips 66 station by my apartment, but it was crazy busy this morning so I had to go elsewhere for my giant Diet Dr Pepper (and this AM, gas for my poor little thirsty car)-hence the reason for my 7 Eleven appearance. I don't know about you people, but at 6:45am, I am not fully awake. Today was no exception as I went to get my much needed Diet Dr Pepper. I was just standing there staring at the soda fountain when this dude (one of the above mentioned construction worker dudes), let me go in front of him (I clearly looked like I needed help), he then handed me a lid and asked me what size straw I wanted (to which I initially responded with a blank stare-I told you I wasn't awake yet), I eventually was able to get out "the big one" as in, the big straw (stay on the path people!!!!). He then proceeded to chit chat with me (or attempt to) while we stood in line. Was I giving off the "gee I really want to talk to you" vibe? Do I LOOK like a friendly person? I mean, seriously people. Seriously.

It's Friday, it's Friday! Yahoo! TGIF. Not only is it Friday, but it is also my last day of work for an entire week. SOOOOOOOOOO needing the time off. Work has been a bit stressful lately (mostly with stupid crap) and a week away is just what the doctor ordered. Plus.......I get to see my precious Cubbies!!!!!! I have a ton of stuff to do between now and Sunday morning when we leave (and thank you DT for helping me understand the Daylight Savings Time issue in Arizona...don't know what I'd do without ya!). What do I have to do, you may ask? Well, first and foremost is laundry. I probably should have clothes to wear while I'm gone. On that subject-I am pondering my wardrobe choices for this trip. The weather is going to be around 78-80 degrees during the day, but in the low 50's at night. This puts KD in a packing predicament. I mean, what is a girl to do with so many wardrobe options? Do I bring a jacket or a sweater for the chilly evenings? Short sleeves and capris during the day? It is already making my head hurt and I haven't even started yet. Oh, I need to print my flight info, me thinks the ADHD is kicking in. Amy, can I borrow a Ritalin? Thanks.

Mike Tinnin-I'm sorry I called you a Re Re this morning. But you are one, and I love you! :)

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