Friday, March 28, 2008

So sayeth The Commish!

So I'm driving home from the crisis line last night and I hear this song by The Jonas Brothers??? What the f**k is this crap? I thought they were just some mythical boy band that only played on The Disney Channel. I had no idea that they actually got real radio air play......bizarre.

Speaking of music, I am totally digging chick music lately. Not typical for me, but lately there has been some good stuff out there. Two of my current faves are "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles and "Say It Again" by Marie Digby (who I first heard on satellite radio, she's now getting more real radio air play....). Check them out if you get the chance. I'm always a sucker for a song that includes the piano (Ben Folds anyone???).

I think I may have hit a new level of insanity last night (hard to believe, I know). And I blame Tanya-she's a bad influence. ;) Seems Tanya and her sister Andrea (a Cubs fan-I LOVE her!) have dreamed up a naked hockey league. Sounds good in theory, right? Well, last night, we decided it should be expanded to cover naked baseball and I, as the baseball lover, will be the Commissioner. Perfect, because I really like to be the boss of things. And coming soon, we are thinking of getting into the naked volleyball market and expanding into Canada (more on that soon, it's gonna involve player recruitment, lengthy interviews and rigorous testing.....). SOME people that shall remain nameless (DJT), seem to think our leagues will not be all that successful because they are for men only. I beg to differ. It's gonna be HOT. SOME people (DJT) have pointed out that men may not wanna play hockey with their boys exposed to sharp skakes and frozen hockey pucks. Know what I have to say to that? WUSSIES!!!! So sayeth The Commish!

Mike Tinnin told me that he hated me today. It has quickly escalated and I asked my boss who her money was on (she said me!). Mike says he'll win because he's a hair puller and a biter. Whatever, I could SO take him. :)

It's quite obvious it's Friday. Everyone is in a good mood. It's baseball day. I am proudly wearing my "real women love The Cubbies" tshirt (suck it Cardinals!). Can't wait for my hotdog today.....

What is up with the staff at Gus' Pretzels? Have you seen them on Jamieson? They are out there all the time, selling pretzels at various stops along the way. That Gus must be a Nazi or something because wouldn't you know, those workers were out at 6:45 this morning, peddling was 36 degrees! I mean, give them a break Gus! Geez! Is anyone really buying pretzels at 6:45am anyway? Couldn't they at least wait until the sun comes up? I'm just sayin'..........

No real big weekend plans, I think Tanya, Allison and I are gonna go out for a drink tonight, nothing major. Tomorrow I have absolutely nothing to do and I'm ok with that. Sunday, my friend Maggie is hosting a Tastefully Simple party-it's great because you get to sample all the products and it's all yummy! Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm gonna go do some actual work right now.....later!

1 comment:

Broker said...

Another piano player you may like is Ferras . . . although he is a guy! His release is called Hollywood's Not America ...pretty good tune. Wish he was in Memphis this year! Oh well!