Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dude looks like a lady

Ok, I'm starting to get in to Dancing With The Stars. I nearly missed it last night, however, as I fell asleep on the couch somewhere around 6:00pm and woke up to the sounds of the judges critique of Steve "Gutes" Guttenberg's dance (yes, I missed Gutes dancing.....DAMMIT!). This is always my sign that I don't feel well-I sleep-A LOT. I think Michele and I are in agreement-Kristi Yamaguchi should be disqualified. I don't care what she says, skating and dancing are too much alike. And she is GOOD. Really good. That football player guy, Jason Taylor, is really good too. And I'm sorry, but I like Priscilla Presley. Sure, her face doesn't move, but the rest of her does and she seems nice. And isn't that really what it's all about, being nice? (as I called one of my reviewers a "nasty bitch" this morning....not to her face, I made sure the phone was hung up first). I'm thinking that the Penn and Teller guy is going home, as is Monica "I'm really a dude" Seles. And my favorite, American Idol, is on tonight! SO excited for that! It really is the little things in life that make me happy people! Oh and DT, guess what I'm making for dinner tonight? Yep.......PORK CHOPS! Aren't you proud????? :)

I'm gonna try to stay off the cold meds today-I hate trying to function when my head is in a fog. I realize my head is in a fog most days, but it's worse whenever cold medicine is involved.....my whole face still hurts, I'm still a bit congested (got winded on the 2nd flight of stairs at work today-not good), and I'm still sneezing, but the achiness is gone, which I take to be a good sign. That, and really, I don't have time to be sick (who does?).

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