Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pictures from the weekend

I didn't take a lot of pictures this weekend, but here are some from Ashlee's shower and from Easter with the fam. Taylor was the star of the show on Easter (I mean, who can resist a cute baby?). :)

I know it's hard to tell, but this was snow....a lot of it. What was weird was that just around the corner, the sun was shining and not a drop coming from the sky.....
look, proof that babies don't scare me! You can, however, tell that I don't feel well.....

Miss Taylor with her mama, Jessica. She loved all her new stuffed animals!
Red's turn to hold the baby...Taylor's showing off her teeth!
our soon-to-be new mommy, Ashlee at her shower
Red holding the super-sized pen. We thought it was hilarious!
Isn't she cute????
Red marked her cup "Tex". Again, we thought it was hilarious! :)

No matter what, I always have fun with my family. We are some goofy, goofy people! If you ever wonder where on Earth I came from, all ya gotta do is attend one Baumgartner family function and the answer will be clear...... ;)


Anonymous said...

Uh Kerri . . . if you're trying to prove that you are NOT afraid of babies, you shouldn't use pictures where you are holding them but look like you are still leaning away and scared to get too close.

KD said...

Uh...she was flopping around and reaching for her grandma...hence the lean....at least that's what i'm telling myself.....

Anonymous said...

She looks like she is stationary and A-OK with everything that is going down. YOU on the other hand . . .